Friday, January 16, 2009

Snow day # 2

I don't know what time they announced there was no school for district 118, but I put Maddie to bed and set her alarm as usual.
About 10pm I turned the tv on and saw there was no school, so I crept upstairs, turned off her alarm and left her this note...hoping to get an extra 20 minutes of sleep in the morning...

"Thanks for the note. Wow-wee! No school!"

So big that she can read and write. : )


Gretchen said...

Oh my word, kill me now! That is the cutest thing I have EVER seen! What a big girl! I love it that she was so happy about the snow day! KEEP that "not" from her! PRECIOUS.

periwinkita said...

I love it! That's hilarious! Good job Maddie!

Michael said...

When Luke was little~ I had made him mad about something... he left me a note that said, "I hat you." He later gave me a note saying that he was sorry. :)

Brittany said...

I keep all "not"s because I luv them! My girls kept journals in K and 1st grade. They're priceless.