Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy 6 months! (& tax day!)


Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's how they are sitting in the chair, but she looks bigger than him in the video!! Happy six months Laila & Grayson (& mommy too!)

Brenda Fuss said...

It's so cute the way they are playing footsie and grabbing each others' feet. They are getting so big!

....t said...

Mandy, as i was writing to Jill after she lost her baby, i began to check out some of the blogs of the girls that were in the youth group with Molly. (i hope that you do not think of me as a nosey old woman) But when i saw all those pics of your gorgeous children i had to see every pic. What beautiful children you have. Seeing those pics of Maddie were just like going back 20 years and looking at you. What a good job you are doing with your family. i could tell that serving the Lord, by serving your family is such a priority to you and Greg. Please tell your "crazy" mom that i say "hi!!!" and i would so love to spend some time with her. We have a lot to catch up on. May God bless the Cooper Family....teri